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Cue the Sunset: The Rise and Fall of Reality TV

虽然艾米丽·努斯鲍姆的《百家乐app下载》读起来更像是一本传记,而不是讣告, 这本书的出版正值真人秀节目似乎随着该行业的脚本化业务而萎缩之际. 更多的 than one pundit has proclaimed its demise at the hands of TikTok, the "now everyone grows up on video" platform that reality TV prefigured.

Data, Personalization, and Practical Magic

Discussions of data acquisition, 应用程序, 在其他时代的居民看来,这似乎是最令人兴奋的魔法,但在纽约流媒体上却一直存在, 今年5月,这个重新构想和重启的流媒体盛会重返曼哈顿,反响热烈.

Post-Peak Performance in the M&E宇宙

The recent Subscription Wars report commissioned by U.K.总部位于美国的数字支付科技公司Bango指出,消费者对订阅服务的整体分裂状态感到不满,而间接订阅选项和通过澳大利亚Optus等电信公司销售的超级捆绑服务的吸引力越来越大. 也许这是不那么鼓舞人心的时代的另一个迹象,消费者认为流媒体服务能为他们做的最好的事情就是停止从人群中脱颖而出,开始消失在人群中.

Live Sports Streaming and the Edison Tone Test

毫无疑问,体育直播有着利润丰厚、令人眼花缭乱的未来. But first, it needs to get past the Tone Test stage.

Dances with Wolves

大多数经历过2023年好莱坞罢工的人都有理由在11月11日欢呼. 8月8日,SAG-AFTRA和AMPTP达成了一项初步协议,据称解决了主要引发罢工的人工智能相关纠纷(以及流媒体剩余的僵局)。. But that resolution came with a significant compromise.

Amazon Prime Adds Ad-Supported: Not Too Late for Tiers

September 22 brought the unsurprising news that Amazon will soon join Netflix, 迪斯尼+, 通过增加广告支持的订阅层来观看其在美国的优质内容.S.,美国.K., Germany, and Canada. Prime毕竟是Prime,它的做法与其他顶级巨头略有不同. 而不是为那些精打细算的观众提供降低的订阅价格,他们愿意忍受付费节目中的一些广告, Amazon is making the ad tier the default and tacking on $2.99 to its ad-free tier.

Stars, Strikes, Streaming, and a Reckoning on Rock-Bottom Residuals


Max, Netflix, Off-Licensing, and The Real World

也许最令人惊讶的HBO新职安置消息就发生在6月底, 当时WBD透露,他们正在“谈判”将HBO的五季喜剧《百家乐软件》和其他DFA授权给Netflix, 这是HBO首次让一级原创内容竞争对手染指HBO的内容. Like selling ads and staggered season releases for Netflix, 为HBO, 与优质竞争对手达成这样的交易,即使不是严格禁止,也是遭到内部的反对,直到最近.

Streaming Sustainability and Imaginary Bridges in the Cloud

只有时间才能证明,新的可持续发展报告标准ESRS E1(欧洲)和美国证券交易委员会(美国)的授权在短期内能否成功遏制“漂绿”,提高流媒体行业的可持续性要求和遵守程度, or how much of the long-term their failure might costs us.

What Else Did We Get Wrong?

Based on what I'm hearing from a wide array of streaming producers, 我们预计,对流媒体直播活动的需求增加是新冠肺炎时代优势的自然结果,这种需求要么正在消失,要么根本没有实现.

Let a Good Chatbot Answer That Question

If the recoiling-in-fear "Is AI coming for our jobs?“这个问题还为时过早,它也远远不是这些实验提出的最有趣的话题. Rather, it's how can we get better answers by asking better questions?

Predicting a FAST-Approaching Future

In the last month of 2022, 我的收件箱里塞满了各种行业预言家对2023年的预测, 我发现这种现象非常吸引人,所以我收集了最有趣的并发布了它们. 当然, 百家乐app下载是分享你并不真正拥有的信息,猜测你不可能看到的未来.

Where and When to Look

当涉及到知道在哪里寻找流媒体世界中最有意义的发展时, 一条简单的准则是,不要总是跟踪Netflix的股价或流失率,而忽略其他一切, and at 流媒体, we try to direct your gaze to the right places.

The Envelope, Please?

What lies ahead for Netflix in the ad-tier/hybrid era?

A Long Strange Trip

Eric Schumacher-Rasmussen reflects on recent unexpected changes in his life, including a surprising newfound appreciation for the Grateful Dead, 以及他对自己长期担任流媒体编辑的看法,现在他即将离开这个角色.

When the Levee Breaks: The Origin of On-Demand Content

赫伯特·莫里森对兴登堡号灾难的惊人叙述标志着录音第一次作为突发新闻播出. The indelible words "Oh, the humanity!“提醒我们,重要的是内容,而不是直播或点播.

Help Others Stream

我们这些业内人士有时会忽视一个事实,即世界上有数十亿人从未使用过互联网, much less connected on Zoom or watched The Mandalorian in 4K. 这里有一种方法可以帮助那些没有良好网络连接的人观看流媒体视频.

Career Lessons from Little Steven

Steven Van Zandt—aka Little Steven, aka Silvio Dante, aka Miami Steve—has never stayed in one place for long, and staying true to your personal muse is a lesson we'd all do well to remember.


Today, binge-watching is many people's favored mode of viewing. That's entirely our industry's doing (some might say fault), 这与我们已经退化到无法持续关注故事和讲故事的人的观点形成了鲜明的对比.

编者按: The Streaming Gold Rush of 2021

至少15年来,我们从未在流媒体市场看到如此多的融资或并购活动. Don't expect it to slow down anytime soon.

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